MERN Stack Inspiration

I’ve been using the past few weeks to get acquainted with NodeJS and ExpressJS, along with MongoDB.  And so far, honestly, I’m having a blast.  All the pieces are really coming together and it’s really motivating.  Once I complete my final project using those technologies, I plan to incorporate React to create a one page ReactJS web app.

Goal Web App

I’ve chosen a goal setting app as my first project to incorporate React (kinda fitting don’t you think?).  The functionality will be dynamic enough to continue my RESTful best practices but not so much it will be overwhelming or too time consuming.  This is a stepping stone to greater things, not the destination.  I’m ready to grow even further after this project is complete!

MERN Goal Web App Functionality

As a frame of reference (for you and future me), here is my current functionality plans:

  • Multi-tenative
  • Create Goals
  • Create Milestones
  • Create Tasks
  • Display Progress in Condensed Manner
  • Reminders
  • Non-Predictive Positive Reinforcement (think the Asana unicorn)

Wish me luck!