Coming Back from Giving Up

Coming Back from Giving Up

Giving Up – The Decision Giving up is easy and hard at the same time, which can feel quite strange.  It was something I wrestled with for quite a bit.  I had fallen behind in my Udacity Front End Nanodegree course.  Giving up would have no consequence other than...
Dealing with Professional Perfectionism

Dealing with Professional Perfectionism

What is Professional Perfectionism? Professional perfectionism is still perfectionism in the same sense.  But I want to address it specifically in the professional sector of life.  Professional perfectionism may hold you back from going forward with your ideas and...
Failure: Accepting and Dealing With It

Failure: Accepting and Dealing With It

My Relationship With Failure Failure is no stranger to me.  And I’m still very rigid about it.  I did well in school growing up and began to internalize that my worth came from my grades or accomplishments.  By the time outside forces no longer pressured this...